Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Facts: May 18.

Well I write this blog from an undisclosed location in the City of Industry. Before I continue with the facts, let me just say this: Question your doctor. The convention that I am working on right now is for a major pharmaceutical manufacturer. The funny thing is, this is a national sales meeting where they talk about how they can sell more of their "product." Sure, they have a right to market their product, just like any other company... But I guess I always thought that drug companies were really out there to help people. I don't know, maybe they are... but I guess that Kevin Trudeau might not be all that crazy when he says that pharmaceuticals just want your money. I mean, being a money scraping whore himself doesn't give him much credibility to say that, but it's true.

So how does this company leverage themselves against their competitors? The same way that lobbyists leverage legislators: Wining and dining. The sales force calls doctors and takes them out to fine meals, and resorts to try and convince them to buy their product. Funny thing; as a kid I always thought that doctors just had tons of magazines and such that told them about all the newest studies so they could keep-up with the new products and make their own informed decisions. And, I don't buy the "they don't have time to do that," bullshit... they just don't want to spend the time. I mean, why bother to do research when the guy paying for your dinner already did it for you?

Anyway.... That being said, the real reason I started to post is that Watching America's headline story this morning was this:

America's Hispanic Migrants: Role Models for the World
. This is a compelling article from Die Welt drawing parallels between migratory issues in France and the United States. It also addresses (briefly) American attitudes toward protest... "Are we in France?"

Okay. Enjoy!

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